Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Detailed Twitter Signup Instructions

Here are detailed instructions on how to sign up for Twitter for those of you unfamiliar with Twitter but wanting to help vote for Shane to get back on Jeopardy.  It may look complicated but the whole process should only take you about a minute.

1.        Go to and fill in the fields under the heading “New to Twitter”.  You can enter any name you would like, real or otherwise.  Enter a valid email address and a password and then choose “Sign Up for Twitter”.

2.       Under the heading “Join Twitter Today” you will see your email and password as you entered them on the previous page, and be asked to confirm a unique username.  It has to be different from all the other twitter users.  Once you have picked a unique name, green text in the margin will confirm that the username is available and you can click on “Create My Account”.

3.       Twitter will show you an example tweet.  Click on “Next”.

4.       Twitter will ask you to “Build Your Timeline” by selecting at least 5 people to follow.  You can select follow from any of Twitter’s suggestions or you can use the search box to find people/groups you are interested in.  When you choose to follow someone that means you will be able to read their tweets in your twitter feed.  You can follow as many people as you like. Some people in turn, will follow you. Once you pick at least 5 people to follow, you can click on next.

5.       Twitter then asks you to “See Who is Here” which means pick 5 more people/groups to follow. You can search for anything or anybody in the search box, it can be news channels, television shows, bloggers, athletes, basically anyone you can think of.  Once you pick 5 more to follow, you can click “Next”.

6.       Twitter then invites you to “Add People You Know”.  You can click on whichever email program you use, Gmail, Hotmail, AOL or Yahoo!  This will bring up the Twitter accounts of anyone in your Contacts list.  If you don’t want to add your contacts, you can scroll down and click on the word “Skip” at the bottom of the left-hand box.

7.       Twitter then invites you to “Add  Character” by adding a photo of yourself and writing a short bio that will appear on your profile page.  If you don’t wish to do this, click “Skip” at the bottom.

8.       You have made it to your Twitter page now!  In the upper right hand corner you will see a square with a quill in it.  

        Click on this button and a dialogue box will open up under the heading “What’s Happening” to allow you to compose a tweet.

9.       To vote for Shane type “Shane #JeopardyVote” and then click the “Tweet” button.  Because you used the hashtag (#) before the phrase “jeopardyvote” Jeopardy producers will be able to see your vote.

10.   Thanks for helping!  Retweet every day!