Friday, June 15, 2012

Camping at Petit Jean

I took Declan camping to Petit Jean State Park last weekend with friends, Ariel and Brooke and their respective children.  It was a dad-free trip, just moms and kids, and we had a grand old time.

 These are a few of the activities we enjoyed:

Roasted S'mores
Went geocaching
Read stories
Painted pet rocks
Played in tents
Played at the playground
Played in the car
Slept in tents
Chased fireflies
Dined al fresco
Played Flashlight Treasure Hunt
Went spelunking
Went hiking
Went Swimming
Went Bug Hunting
Had a waterballoon fight
Went bike riding
Took in the Baby Animal Show at the Petit Jean Amphitheatre
Raved with Glowsticks in the forest,
and did our first Cannonball, ever.

Photographic evidence follows.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fabulous time! The picture of Declan and Sadie is adorable.
